Check out Dr. Rebecca Younk, audiologist and owner of Beltone Eau Claire on News18 WQOW discussing cicadas and how the noise they make can affect your hearing

In a few weeks the air will be filled with the ear rattling sounds of the insects. Two different broods of the bug will be emerging from the ground — creating a noisy environment for people outside.

WISCONSIN (WQOW) – Cicadas are a sound many Midwesterners are familiar with but people don’t know what trillions of them sound like at one time. But how you can protect your ears from the upcoming cicada emergence happening this spring?

Dr. Rebecca Younk is an audiologist with Beltone in Eau Claire. She said cicadas are among the loudest insects in the world, making noise up to 80 decibels which is the sound of a vacuum cleaner.

At their peak these buzzing bugs can create noises of around 100 decibels — the sound of a jumbo jet engine. People in southern Wisconsin will feel the largest impact but it might be experienced here in the Chippewa Valley.

Because of that, it’s important to be mindful of how much time is spent around these boisterous bugs.

“Noise exposure is time based so essentially what we’re looking at is exposure over time so the lower levels, 80 to 85 decibels, you don’t want to spend any longer than eight hours without hearing protection,” Younk said.

When it comes to louder environment, Younk said people should only be exposed to around 100 decibels for 15 minutes before protection is needed.

One group of people that will be impacted are those with Tinnitus which is the feeling of your ears ringing.

She explained the cicadas will mask the sound of the ringing — which will bring some peace and quiet to those who experience it. To get prepared before the cicadas emerge, she said download a sound meter on your phone or use foam protection ear plugs.

She said the overall risk for long-term hearing damage is low but it’s important to be prepared.

This is the first time in over 220 years both broods will emerge at the same time. There is no exact date when they will appear but experts estimate it will happen as early as mid-May.


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